Report: European Conference „From Research to Innovation in the Digital Media Sector“


European Conference „From Research to Innovation in the Digital Media Sector“  at the Heidelberg Innovation Forum 2013

EU representatives and technology transfer experts explained how the research programme Horizon 2020 will support innovation and the development of new services and products.

smardIn addition to the keynote by Viorel Peca (Head of Unit Innovation, DG Connect, European Commission), international technology transfer experts presented the results of the European project SMARD. This involves amongst others targeted services to support research projects in their commercialization efforts. This session was concluded with a panel discussion dealing with “RDI Commercialization in the Digital Media Sector”. The detailed programme can be found here.

The conference addressed a broad international audience of representatives of politics, science and business. The participation is free of charge.

At the subsequent Heidelberg Innovation Forum focusing on „The Mobile Ecosystem“, business ideas and new technologies which are responsive to the increasing mobility of individuals and companies will be presented. Since 2005, the Heidelberg Innovation Forum has succeeded in bringing together ICT researchers and market players in the early phases of innovation. The programme can be found here:

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