IKS Semantic CMS Academy now available

During the last two years we have created academic training material that addresses the different aspects of semantic content management. This material discusses foundational topics, like content management in general, the semantic web and underlying technologies as well as advanced concepts of modeling complex knowledge domains using ontologies. Using the approaches, models and methods developed in the IKS project, up-to-date research results are presented for introducing semantic content management and software engineering approaches for developing semantic CMS.

The whole set of training material is now available online: http://www.iks-project.eu/academy

On this page we are presenting an updated and improved set of the training material, including 2 introduction lectures and a complete curriculum of 10 lectures including 12 sets of slides. All slides are also available and downloadable at slideshare (http://slideshare.net/IKS_Project.eu)., so that they can be viewed by an internet browser. In addition, a Teachers Handbook is available that gives an overview and description of the material and how it can be adopted for the usage in an existing curriculum.

The current versions of the training material have a high degree of maturity, but of course we are interested in improving and extending the existing sets of slides. For this purpose, we are offering the possibility to comment the material on our new page. Everybody is invited to actively participate in improving our IKS academy!

Salzburg Research Forschungsbereich(e):
How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria