Sustainable logistics in suburban areas
Together with its partner organizations, Salzburg Research is investigating solutions for sustainable and inclusive logistics in suburban areas. In doing so, digital methods for sustainable behavior are developed, and also citizens’ needs, the necessary infrastructure, a database for bicycle logistics, and inclusive and socially beneficial pick-up stations are taken into account.
Suburban areas can be brought closer to the 15-minute city ideal through the use of e-commerce and sustainable delivery and pick-up options. However, the consequences of urban logistics often result in high greenhouse gas emissions as well as non-inclusive solutions that are difficult for neighborhoods to tolerate, such as so-called dark stores like pickup and delivery stations.
The goal of the research is the development of a methodological and empirical model of how sustainable consumer behavior can be designed with regard to the delivery and collection of goods, especially the use of bikes, in order to promote climate-neutral logistics. To this end, digital behavioral change methods based on psychological models are being developed to encourage citizens to use sustainable logistics options when ordering online. Pickup stations for ordered goods will also be designed in such a way that they will serve as social spaces for the residents – with a focus on accessibility and inclusion. The designed concepts will be developed and tested with so-called Living Lab Methods in Salzburg, Leipzig and Merano.
The research project SuCoLo – Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts is funded by the European Commission and the participating countries in the “Driving Urban Transitions” program.