Smart charge management for electric bus fleets
Together with partners, Salzburg Research is developing a unique charging management solution for large electric bus fleets that enables smart charging and takes into account both energy consumption and energy costs.
Since December 2023, Albus has been operating Salzburg’s first fully electric bus lines with seven e-buses, with seven more e-buses to follow in 2024. However, the more e-buses in a fleet are in use, the more challenging loading management becomes.
So far, telematics solutions, software for load management, and operational management have been run in parallel as individual components. The innovation in the new charging management is that, for the first time, all components are integrated into a holistic and comprehensive software solution and that energy consumption and energy costs are also taken into account.
Energy- and demand-based charging of e-bus fleets is to be possible automatically. For this purpose, data inputs from different sources are smartly linked together: an optimized charging management for the next day is automatically designed using the daily driving and consumption data as well as the charging and network capacities. With intelligent charging, peaks in the power grid can be avoided, and the electricity from the Albus photovoltaic system can be used in the best possible way. Pre-charging is also advantageous for e-buses right before the start of operation: pre-conditioning the interior and the battery while still at the charging station reduces energy demand, increases the daily range, and protects the battery.
The developed software solution will be tested for a year in a pilot operation on the bus routes operated by Albus in Salzburg, as well as scientifically verified for its effectiveness. The software solution should subsequently be used by other bus operators in the public and private sectors.
„OptiChargE“ is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented as part of the Zero Emission Mobility program.
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