Lange Nacht der Forschung: Our Stations
On Friday, May 24, 2024, many research institutes and companies across Austria will once again open their doors from 17:00 to 23:00 and offer insights that are normally unseen. Salzburg Research is both the regional coordinator of the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Research) for the state of Salzburg and an exhibitor.
Lange Nacht der Forschung
May 24 2024, 17:00-23:00
Science City Itzling | Jakob-Haringer-Straße 3 | 5020 Salzburg
#LNF #LNF24 #LangeNachtDerForschung
Free entry!
A night full of experiences
On May 24, 2024, researchers throughout Austria will once again provide insights into their work and convey their research up close. The Long Night of Research offers the opportunity to discover current research work, to get in direct contact with researchers, and to discuss future-oriented questions. An extensive participatory program invites you to discover and be amazed. In 2024, the Long Night of Research in Salzburg will be organized as a Green Event for the first time.
Immerse yourself in the research world of Salzburg Research
These nine stations await you at Salzburg Research and invite you to discover some of our current research work:
- Energy Communities: How can I share renewable energy with others?
- Artificial Intelligence: Where does AI learn?
- Cycling: How to make cycling safer?
- C-ITS: More traffic safety with cooperative transport services?
- What is being researched in Salzburg to improve sustainable mobility?
- Heat stress test: Why do firefighters sit in the sauna for research?
- How can a small robot help you stay healthy longer?
- Sustainable mobility: How to motivate people?
- IdeaSpace: Your ideas for the challenges of tomorrow?
Together with HTBLuVA Salzburg, 4D Aerospace Research and Simulation GmbH, and MINT:Labs (University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research), we also offer an exciting hands-on program, especially for children and young people.

As always at the Long Night of Research, our researchers will be able to talk to you and answer your questions.
Details about our stations: Lange Nacht der Forschung bei Salzburg Research