From diesel to electricity: climate-friendly tourism mobility
In a feasibility study, Salzburg Research investigated how the transition from diesel buses to emission-free e-buses could make bus transport in the Wilder Kaiser tourism region more environmentally friendly.
The Wilder Kaiser region in Tyrol deploys nine hiking shuttles on five routes in summer and 20 ski shuttles on 25 routes in winter. Salzburg Research, together with the project partner e7, analyzed technical and economic aspects of deploying electric buses: The routes and route profiles were precisely recorded in order to map the energy consumption under real conditions. In addition, vehicle types suitable for mountainous areas, charging infrastructure locations, and sustainable charging strategies, as well as the investment, operating, and consumption costs of e-buses, including charging infrastructure, were determined in comparison to diesel buses.
The energy consumption per route was determined on the basis of various scenarios — including maximum and average vehicle loading, maximum and average energy consumption by auxiliary consumers, such as an air conditioning system, and the charging location.
The results show that most routes can be covered with one battery charge when charging in the region, but some require intermediate charging. Depending on the chosen charging and operating strategy, the economic amortization of the investment could happen within 7 to 17 years. The study serves as a decision-making aid for a public tender for the procurement of electric buses.
First steps towards digitalization: Free testing before investment
This research is funded by the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “Crowd in Motion.” The EDIH “Crowd in Motion“ supports companies and organizations in their digital transformation in the tourism, sports, and leisure industries with tailor-made advice and services, usually completely free of charge for small and medium-sized businesses, organizations, and public institutions.
The EDIH is an ideal tool for taking the first steps towards digitalization with the know-how of experts, suitable infrastructure, and a scientific base.
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