Promotion Elisabeth Häusler

Doctorate of Elisabeth Häusler

DIin (FH) Elisabeth Häusler, head of the “Human Motion Analytics” research group, was awarded the academic degree of “Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences” by the Private University Schloss Seeburg.

The dissertation in the “Innovation and Creativity Management” field titled “IoT New Product Development (IoT NPD)” examines the development process of IoT products that use sensors to collect human-related data.

In her dissertation, Elisabeth Häusler argues that the integration of sensors, software components for data processing, and the application of data science requires a specific development process, the so-called “IoT NPD” process. Häusler highlights the increasing complexity that comes with incorporating IoT technologies into the development process and emphasizes the need to combine physical and digital elements in an integrated approach.

Five IoT products from the areas of sport, fitness and health were examined at different stages of development. The dissertation also shows that the success of IoT products is not only based on technological innovations, but also crucially depends on the measurement accuracy requirements resulting from the market strategy. For example, the development of a gadget is fundamentally different from that of a high-precision measuring instrument. These findings led to the development of a conceptual model that incorporates “fitness for purpose” as a dynamic metric. This is intended to ensure that the product fulfills the desired benefits and strategic goals.

With this dissertation, Elisabeth Häusler contributes to both scientific research and industrial practice and provides a strategic basis for the successful development of IoT products.

We congratulate Elisabeth Häusler on this important milestone in her academic career!

Am Bild: Elisabeth Häusler mit ihrem Betreuer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Huber von der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg.

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