Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Threats
The conference “Artificial Intelligence between Innovation and Responsibility” took place on June 5 and 6 in St. Virgil with the participation of about 30 cooperation partners, among them Salzburg Research. Around 130 guests came to discuss the opportunities and challenges of technology, especially for the city and state of Salzburg.
The results were mixed: while artificial intelligence (AI) offers numerous opportunities to simplify and speed up tasks, the question of the human factor and well-being often remains unanswered.
Human ideas in the era of Artificial Intelligence
During the panel discussion moderated by Ralf Hillebrand (Salzburger Nachrichten), four experts from various fields addressed the topic of “Human ideas and AI”. Matteo Carmignola (Vice Rector for Teaching at the Pädagogischen Hochschule Salzburg), Sarah Fitterer (artist and researcher), Siegfried Reich (lecturer and researcher at the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft), and David Röthler (Werdedigital.at) discussed human ideas and how they are changing in the wake of artificial intelligence.

Application in the present and future: Workshops with active participation
On the second day, the participants deepened their knowledge in interactive small-group workshops on topics such as “AI and Democracy,” “ChatGPT and the Church,” “Artificial Intelligence in Care,” and much more. Salzburg Research was present with the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “Crowd in Motion” and discussed with interested parties the topic “Fair AI Data in Tourism: Trends, Examples and Challenges for New Tourism Communication and Culture.”

The conference “Artificial Intelligence between Innovation and Responsibility” was a joint event of WerdeDigital.at, ARGE Salzburger Erwachsenenbildung und Netzwerk Bildungsberatung Salzburg, and St. Virgil Salzburg.