Successful recertification according to ISO 9001
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft has been certified according to EN ISO 9001 since 2008. The recertification audit by TÜV Austria confirms compliance with the standard requirements and the effectiveness of the management system. The certification has been extended for another 3 years.
The quality management system is reviewed annually in an internal and external audit. Recertification audits are planned every three years, with two monitoring audits in between. The scheduled recertification audit in 2023 took place as a two-day system audit, during which all processes and procedures in all areas of the research institute were reviewed by auditor Peter Fürnweger (TÜV Austria).

Quality as a lasting process
Quality management system improves company performance and creates clarity for employees. It contributes significantly to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company by defining integrated business processes and procedures. It also provides the ability to carry out research and development work at a higher level, with higher quality and to the best possible satisfaction of customers, clients, partners and other stakeholders.
See also: Unternehmens- und Qualitätspolitik
Bild (v.l.n.r.): Siegfried Reich (Geschäftsführer), Peter Fürnweger (TÜV Austria), Birgit Strohmeier (Qualitätsmanagement), Yvonne Berger (Prokuristin, Leitung Rechnungswesen), Gudrun Wallner (Human Resources).