From Data to Value: Intellectual Capital Report 2022/23
It is with great pleasure and pride that we present this annual report to you. In it you will find the outstanding successes and impressive results of our research work in 2022.
Even though an annual report symbolises a conclusion, it is clear that in science in general, and thus in applied research, it is not possible to be “finished”. That is why we continuously develop the state of research together with our partner organisations and thus shape the future.
The foundation for this is first and foremost our employees, who use their know-how and curiosity to get to the bottom of things and thus work on professional and often unusual solutions for our clients. And of course, successful research also needs trusting networks and partnerships, because we can only manage the transformation together.

We hope that this annual report will also inspire you to further dedicate yourself to research and innovation and thus to shaping the future.
Download: Wissensbilanz 2022/23 (in German)