Winterdienst entlarvt Funklöcher in Salzburg (c) Land Salzburg/Melanie Hutter
© Land Salzburg / Melanie Hutter

Operating data acquisition in winter road maintenance

Salzburg Research supported the province of Styria in the tendering, procurement and implementation of a telematics-based operational data collection system for winter road maintenance.

Road maintenance organisations have a duty to provide evidence of winter maintenance activities. Especially in the case of accidents, judicial enquiries about the activity at the scene of the accident and the time of the accident are possible. The province of Styria intended to procure a telematics-supported operational data collection system including software modules for planning, controlling and documenting winter road maintenance services.

Salzburg Research, as an independent research institute, was commissioned to provide technical and content-related support for the procurement on the basis of a previous consultancy service for the province of Salzburg. This included a detailed analysis of the requirements, technical and content-related expertise throughout the entire procurement process in close cooperation with the procurement lawyers, as well as support in the implementation.
monitoring of the implementation.

Franz Zenz (c) T.Rothwangl

With the independent technical and content-related expertise of Salzburg Research, the province of Styria was able to make a well-founded decision in the award procedure.

– Franz Zenz, Head of Road Maintenance Service, Province of Styria

Thus, in accordance with the best bidder principle, a contractor was awarded the contract who – as we are now convinced – will implement the project in a high quality and professional manner. It is very pleasing that the Regional Administrative Court also confirmed the substantive argumentation in a review procedure and judged the award procedure to be correct.

Franz Zenz, Head of Road Maintenance Service, Province of Styria

Salzburg Research will also support the province of Styria in the future digitalisation of work processes, for example in route and summer services.

More information:

Success Story: Betriebsdatenerfassung im Winterdienst: Inhaltliche-technische Beratung für Beschaffung und Umsetzung

Contribution photo: (c) Land Salzburg/Melanie Hutter

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