Gigabit Academy: How powerful are 5G networks in reality?
The Gigabit Academy offers exclusive insights into the world of Gigabit and 5G applications as a new service of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) & the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Events and workshops will take place throughout Austria from 26 April to 13 June 2022.
The vision of the Gigabit Academy is to set the right impulses to drive the development of Gigabit and 5G applications in Austria. Knowledge from universities, research institutions, companies and organisations is bundled and made available to the “Gigabit Academy” participants in the form of workshops, lectures and individual coaching. This is done in close cooperation with numerous partner organisations that are among the front-runners in the field of 5G technologies in Austria.
Salzburg: How powerful are 5G networks in reality?
Salzburg Research is part of the Gigabit Academy and will be devoting a workshop to the performance of 5G networks on 6 May 2022.
You will learn more about common promises and misunderstandings regarding 5G. As a neutral research institute, we provide insights into the actual performance of current 5G networks and show how the promised performance parameters can be independently verified. Using various use cases, we show the importance of the individual 5G performance parameters. In individual breakout sessions, we will work out your individual needs and requirements together with you.
Salzburg Research: 5G know-how from Salzburg
Salzburg Research has been researching communication technologies for over 20 years. We have our own 5G stand-alone network at our location as a 5G research infrastructure for testing 5G applications and products. Thus, in addition to classic 5G, we also offer companies customised test environments with specific requirements for the communication network. We also develop vendor-independent test tools to control compliance with the required properties and to be able to use the technology for critical applications as well.