Q-Bo Sozialer Roboter

Active and healthy ageing with AI

Using the latest AI technology to support active and healthy ageing in one’s own four walls: Salzburg Research is developing a robot support system that recognises the specific mood of older people and enters into dialogue with recommendations and offers tailored to them. For this purpose, the needs and acceptance of the users have now been surveyed.

Active and healthy ageing concerns both physical and mental health. Technologies can help reduce the risk of depression or health problems.

Previously available robot systems for older people are usually simple systems that remind people of certain tasks and – if at all – only recognise simple emotions. Salzburg Research is now developing an artificial intelligence-based personal robot support system for the long-term recognition of emotions and changes in behaviour.

Recognising complex emotions and mood states

The robot will also recognise complex emotions and prolonged mood states based on arousal and valence levels. Continuous learning emotion recognition results in personalised recommendations adapted to the mood state and targeted interventions to promote physical and mental health.

A survey in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands as well as a first focus group took place to ascertain needs and acceptance. The results form important inputs for further development.

Our role

Salzburg Research is responsible for the user-oriented research design, the software development, the specification of the interventions adapted to the needs and the development of business models. Needs and acceptance will be assessed by means of a European survey and the involvement of end-users in focus groups as well as two test series.

Aid2BeWell is funded by the FFG’s benefit programme and the EU’s AAL Joint Programme.

Contact person

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-319 | M: 0664/8142018
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Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria