Sustainable mobility through connectivity and automation
The connectivity and automation of vehicles is not just the preserve of well-known car manufacturers. Salzburg Research is part of an international consortium of 69 partners working together in the EU project SHOW to demonstrate sustainable urban transport with automated vehicles.
Do you want to help shape the future of mobility? Then take part in the online survey!
Cities and regions are growing rapidly and it is becoming increasingly clear that new approaches are needed for more sustainable mobility. Connected, shared, electric and automated fleets of vehicles have the potential to efficiently transport people and goods around the clock and fill gaps in current transport networks. The quality of life of every individual can be enhanced as a result.
The economic, social and environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles can best be realised when the vehicles are integrated into an existing mobility system. In the SHOW project, this approach is demonstrated in real urban environments in five mega, six satellite and three follower pilots. In total, a mixed fleet of around 70 automated vehicles at SAE level 4 (buses, shuttles, robo-taxis) will be used in conjunction with “Mobility as a service” in passenger, freight and mixed traffic. The pilots have a duration of twelve months, during which a total of more than 1.5 million people and 350,000 goods are to be transported with the automated vehicles.
SHOW megasite in Austria
The Austria site consists of the cities of Salzburg, Graz, Pörtschach and Klagenfurt and is one of the five mega-pilots in the project.
Salzburg Research is responsible for the conception and implementation of the pilot in Salzburg, which is aimed at the user groups of commuters and city dwellers, day trippers and tourists. Building on the experiences from the Digibus® Austria project, the pilot in Salzburg aims to test an automated, electrified passenger transport system to connect rural regions to intermodal mobility hubs in order to better bridge the first and last mile in public transport. C-ITS technologies are to be tested on an existing bus corridor that connects the outskirts of the city with the city centre. These enable communication between vehicles or vehicles and infrastructure (e.g. prioritisation of buses at traffic lights).
Projects such as SHOW, which test the real-world use of shared, networked and electrified automation in transport, are crucial for gaining insights into how the full potential of automated vehicle technology can be used with the aim of driving the transformation towards sustainable urban mobility.
Survey: Help shape the mobility of the future!
By answering this survey, you will help to develop solutions for the automated mobility of the future. Test your knowledge on the topic of “automated driving” and tell us about your mobility needs as well as your expectations of a networked, automated mobility system.
The aim of this survey is to get a deeper understanding of citizens’ needs, wishes and acceptance of transport solutions today and in the future when automated solutions will be part of the system. The survey is funded by the EU project SHOW and is a first step in the evaluation of a total of 17 demonstration sites across Europe. Your answers will be stored separately and are anonymous, i.e. without any reference to your person.
SHOW is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.