Skifahr-Studie auf der Planai © Planai/Herbert Raffalt
© Planai/Herbert Raffalt

Study Participants Wanted

As part of the Digital Motion research initiative, we are looking for skiers to do a test day in the Schladming-Dachstein region in Ski amadé for a scientific study.

Field Study: Multidimensional Recording of the Load During a Day of Skiing

In the context of the study, the skiers are subjected to intense stress by having to make short and optimal turns over several runs. Among other things, the heart and breathing rate, the swing rhythm and the swing quality (carving score), the subjectively perceived vitality and exhaustion as well as the attentiveness are recorded.

The study aims to clarify how fatigue works. Of particular interest is what changes in attention, muscular and cardiovascular fatigue occur and how the swing quality and the susceptibility to errors change.

For this we are looking for study participants:


  • Male, 18-40 years
  • Student at an Austrian university or member of the Alpine Club
  • Advanced skier level; Ability to perform ski turns using a clock rate (80 / minute


  • 1x test day on the slopes with 10 runs (1 sightseeing trip + 9 trips with time schedule)
  • 1x test day in the laboratory


  • February/March 2021


  • 1 test day on the Schladminger Planai in Ski amadé
  • 1 dates in the sports center Rif


Together we would like to find out how running affects vitality in the long term!


  • Day ticket on the Schladminger Planai (day ticket Ski amadé)
  • Round trip to Schladming

Registration for the Study

Tim Burberg
IFFB Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft / USI
AG: Sportpädagogik, Sportpsychologie und Sportsoziologie

Contact person

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-424 | M: +43/664/81 42 035
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Salzburg Research Forschungsschwerpunkt(e):
How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria