Salzburg Business Run Charity Challenge 2021 breaks all records
Ein neuer TeA new record for participants, distance and donations makes children’s hearts beat faster. In short, this is the great result of this year’s Salzburg Business Run Charity Challenge initiated by Commend International and SKIDATA in 2018. As in previous years, Salzburg Research was also involved. On 15 October, the official donation was handed over to Herzkinder Österreich.
The success of the Charity Challenge was already foreshadowed at the starting signal on 15 June: 24 teams of Salzburg companies and organisations – more than ever before – this time faced the “against each other for togetherness” in the competition for the most running, hiking, walking or walking kilometres. The Salzburg Business Run was once again the crowning finale of the Charity Challenge.
Record donation sum
The enthusiasm of the participants was also record-breaking: within three months and after an unbelievable 133,500 kilometres together, 660 active employees from 24 Salzburg companies collected a record donation sum of 28,000 euros for the heart children. Michaela Altendorfer, President and CEO of Herzkinder Österreich, was able to accept this sum at the official handover of donations on the Commend premises in Salzburg-Liefering.
Many thanks and congratulations to the 15 colleagues from Salzburg Research who contributed to this success with a lot of commitment and a total of 3,295 km! Many thanks to the management that Salzburg Research participated in this great campaign on the basis of 0.21 Euro/km.
The Charity Challenge
“As initiators of the Charity Challenge, we are delighted about the impressively growing success of our Challenge idea, which brings together workplace health promotion and the charity spirit,” sums up Wolfgang Zimmel from Commend International. “This time, too, we have come many steps closer to our long-term vision – the Earth-Moon route. Every company or team that wants to contribute to making this vision a reality is cordially invited to become part of our Charity Challenge in 2022! I can’t wait for the 2022 Charity Challenge to kick off!”
The participating organisations in 2021
Challengers from previous years: Commend International, COPA-DATA, Digital Elektronik, Findologic, Movea Marketing GmbH, nic.at, Quehenberger Logistics, Salzburg Research, SKIDATA, Stepa Farmkran.
New registrations 2021: ACP, Bio Nahrungsmittel, Fachhochschule Salzburg, Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg, Julius Fritsche Glas, Metall, Kunststoff, Kaindl, Katholische Mädchenverbindung KSMMV Erentrudis, Leitgöb Wohnbau, MindfulMoves, Salomon, Salzburger Nachrichten, Sightrunning Salzburg, SPAR ICS, Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg
Persons pictured: Sascha Jurak (Mindful Moves), Sudhir Batra (Sightrunning Salzburg), Michaela Zimmel (Bio Nahrungsmittel), Gerhard Huber (Fritsche), Martin Steindl (STEPA Farmkran), Irene Schulte (Idustriellenvereinigung Salzburg), Martin Gross/Wolfgang Zimmel (Commend International), Johannes Überbacher (Salomon Austria), Birgit Strohmeier (Salzburg Research), Johannes Auer (Digital Elektronik), Ute Theresa Jost (Kaindl), Doris WALTER (FH Salzburg), Klaus Höftberger (WKS), Maria Zillner (Spar ICS), Martin Hagenstein (Salzburger Nachrichten), Selina Promok (SKIDATA), Marcel Krabath (Findologic), Isabella Nindl-Leigöb (Leitgöb Wohnbau), Blanca Acimas Müller (Kath. Mädchenverb. Erentrudis), Ole Buers (Movea), Lukas Larese (Salzburger Businesslauf), Michaela Altendorfer (Herzkinder Österreich);