Publication: I Need Your Help! How to Establish a Support System for an AAL Pilot Region
Providing adequate support for older people when using AAL systems is challenging. This results on the one hand from the complexity of the systems and on the other hand from the special requirements of the target group. When developing support strategies in AAL projects, it is particularly important to ensure that they can actually be used for product transfer to the market. Viktoria Maringer (Salzburg Research) and her team explain in a new publication how they set up a support system for the field test phase of fir4AAL with this background problem and then optimized the workflow and support strategies.
Usually, the project consortium distributes or channels responsibility for system components. The responsible persons take over the support of the users. Sometimes these tasks are also taken on by the consortium leader or the research partners. The fit4AAL pilot region is breaking new ground and is relying on a professional call center to support users. Viktoria Maringer from the Salzburg Research Research Association describes together with Ralf Fabry, Michele Zlöbl, Harald Rieser and Verena Venek in the research essay “I Need Your Help! How to Establish a Support System for an AAL Pilot Region”, how they defined and improved the workflows and support strategies based on the ticket analysis of an initial field test phase of the fit4AAL pilot region.
Increasing user Satisfaction Through Support Systems
In the first phase of the technology-based movement program ILSE, an initial suppot system was introduced that consists of three pillars: local centers, the call center as the first point of contact for users and the underlying technical support that the call center staff at processing of questions and problems supported. The results of the analysis of incoming support cases indicate a high potential for reducing the support effort with regard to technical problems. The authors visualized the support workflow and developed standardized solution strategies in order to reduce the support effort and to increase the satisfaction of the ILSE users.
Further information: Publication I Need Your Help! How to Establish a Support System for an AAL Pilot Region.