Open Innovation Talk
The first ideas competition on the new Open Innovation Platform for Salzburg started in autumn. 151 ideas for a better coexistence of population and tourism in the city of Salzburg were submitted. The results and experiences of this first campaign were presented at the Open Innovation Talk last Thursday.
Crowdsourcing expert Reinhard Willfort from the Innovation Service Network shared his experiences from successful crowdsourcing campaigns: How do successful community engagement and quality ideas work? Klemenz Kollenz from Tourismus Salzburg GmbH and Diana Wieden-Bishof of Salzburg Research presented their results and experiences form the first ideas competition “(er)lebenswertes Salzburg” (worth living Salzburg). Subsequently, the competitions planned for the future as well as new OI initiatives and idea competitions were discussed and worked out in working groups.
Information about the winners of the ideas competition will follow.
Open Innovation Salzburg: The Next Ideas Competition
All campaigns on openinnovation-salzburg.at deal with Salzburg issues. All ideas are welcome, everyone can participate – even those who don’t live in Salzburg. The next two campaigns are already in preparation and will start on February 4, 2020:
- “Innogebirg Pongau”
The Pongau is an outstanding tourism region as well as home to hidden champions and start-up companies. The creative potential is divided between the many towns and side valleys due to geographical conditions.
How can we design and advertise Pongau as a vibrant space for innovation, living and working in such a way that it is valued by all residents and employees of local companies and attracts creative minds? Organizer: Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, Pongau District Office
Submission phase: 04.02.2020 – 04.04.2020 - “New Timber Paths”: Innovations for the Salzburg Timber Industry
Wood can be used in a wide variety of areas and industries and is a high-tech material of the future due to its special properties. Against the background of the megatrends of regionalization and digitization, innovative ideas “from the forest to the end customer and back again” are sought for companies in the timber industry in the state of Salzburg: How can the flow of wood between wood processing companies and customers be better designed? How can woodworking companies better market their performance and products and thus optimize the bridging between supply and demand?
Organizer: Pro:Holz Salzburg, Holzcluster Salzburg
Submission phase: 04.02.2020 – 04.04.2020
Open Innovation Salzburg: The State Needs New Ideas!
We believe in the power of the crowd. Therefore we ask you exactly! Open Innovation Salzburg brings together what belongs together: Salzburg residents and our companies in the state. Because together we will find sustainable solutions for a future-proof and livable Salzburg.
In the age of digitalization, open innovation opens up new paths of innovation and radically generates new ideas by integrating unusual ideas providers, for example users and experts from other companies, regions or even other industries, into innovation processes at an early stage. With open innovation, companies not only tinker with new ideas within their company, but also involve actors such as customers, users, suppliers or interested people in the innovation process from the very beginning. With their knowledge and experience, they all contribute to the development of new solutions. In this way, products are developed that are closer to the customer’s ideas and thus have greater success on the market.
The Open Innovation Competence Platform Salzburg is a joint initiative of ITG – Innovation Service for Salzburg, Salzburg Research, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Private University Schloß Seeburg, University of Salzburg and the State of Salzburg.