New Publication: Digital Twins in the Factory Lifecycle
Georg Güntner from Salzburg Research, together with Simon Hoher, published a report with important conceptual principles of digital twins in the factory life cycle and examples for their application and use in industrial practice.
The focus of the contributions in “Digital Twins im Anlagen-Lebenszyklus” (translated: “Digital Twins in the Factory Lifecycle”) is on the one hand on applications in the development and commissioning phase (Sections 2 and 3), and on the other hand on the use in the operation and maintenance phase (Sections 4 and 5) of systems. A contribution on the basic categorization of digital twins (Section 1), the presentation of relevant standards (Section 6) and a bibliography (Appendix A) for further information on the subject of digital twins round off the report.
The term “digital twin” summarizes all efforts to provide real objects in the industrial value creation process with a digital image. The process of this virtualization is then logically referred to as “digital twinning”. Digital twins can be used in practically all phases of the plant life cycle.
The report includes contributions by Dietmar Glachs and Christoph Schranz (both Salzburg Research) as well as by Michael Eberle, Simon Kranzer and Georg Schäfer.