Inclusive Tourism in the Alpine Region
Tourism for everyone! People should be able to immerse themselves in nature regardless of environmental, physical and other hurdles. Technology such as mobile apps and virtual reality, barrier-free content and participatory approaches enable barrier-free access to nature and culturel heritage.
Barrier-free tourist offers not only support people with disabilities, they also enhance the Alpine region and its natural and cultural heritage. Salzburg Research, together with Austrian and Italian partners, is implementing four pilot measures as part of its research activities, which show examples of how inclusive tourism can be implemented. Augmented reality in Parco Rossi in Santorso, the mobile app “Sprechende Wege” (Talking Paths) of the Alpago section of the Italian Alpine Club, virtual reality in the visitor center of the GEOPARC Bletterbach in South Tyrol and an application in the Salzburg region. To this end, Salzburg Research is cooperating with Salzburger Land Tourismus for map-based and mobile mediation of “Kinderleicht Wandern im Salzburger Pongau” (Easy hiking in Salzburg’s Pongau). This new offer introduces easy hikes and adventure offers for families with small children. Contents of the hiking guide are now implemented online and options for family-friendly sharing of experiences are tested. We are also researching participatory approaches and are developing a study and guidelines on inclusive tourism with the Research Center for Tourism & Leisure at the University of Innsbruck. GATE, Grantin Accessible Tourism for Everyone, is funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria program.