Running Competition of Six Salzburg Companies
Launched by Commend and SKIDATA in 2018 and extended by COPA-DATA, Digital Elektronik, nic.at and Salzburg Research this year, the Challenge exceeded all expectations. After a three-month running competition, the organization “Herzkinder Österreich” received a substantial donation sum.
The “Grande Finale” could not have been better staged: In bright sunshine and the best conditions, the Salzburg business run once again collected the last kilometres and successfully completed the three-month running challenge.
In total, the initiators Commend and SKIDATA as well as the participants COPA-DATA, Digital Elektronik, Salzburg Research and nic.at, who joined this year, ran almost 45,000 kilometers. In addition, the Salzburg Business Run and its main partners – Audi/Porsche Salzburg, AK, WKS, Salzburg AG and Salzburg Wohnbau – increased the amount raised during this period by the amount last paid by all 6,000 participants in the Salzburg Business Run. Thus, the considerable amount of € 15,700 could be handed over to Ms. Michaela Altendorfer, the Managing Director and President of “Herzkinder Österreich”.
“It is impressive and wonderful how many people have shown a great heart for children with heart disease by participating in the running challenge. Many thanks to all runners as well as to the initiators, above all Wolfgang Zimmel – Hand on the heart”, said the president of Herzkinder Austria, Michaela Altendorfer.

Die Vertreter der teilnehmenden Firmen bei der Übergabe des erlaufenen Spendenbeitrags an die Herzkinder Österreich: 3. Reihe v.l.n.r.: Bettina Kaineder (nic.at), Gabriele Artner-Walkner (Commend); 2. Reihe v.l.n.r.: Sebastian Bäsken (COPA-DATA), Manfred Magnus (COPA-DATA), Johannes Hainzl (Digital Elektronik), Julia Eder (Salzburg Research); 1. Reihe unten: v.l.n.r.: Alexander Vouk (SKIDATA), Wolfgang Zimmel (Commend), Michaela Altendorfer (Herzkinder Österreich), Siegfried Reich (Salzburg Research), Gerhard Sigl (Commend), Martin Gross (Commend)
Photo: Alexander Struber, Commend International