Industry meets Makers #IMMgoesWest
Industry meets Makers is an open innovation community building format with the aim of launching new collaboration models between the top industry and the creative, young maker scene. The resulting innovation and business potential should be made fruitful for the benefit of both sides. Industrial companies write so-called “briefings” in future technology areas such as robotics, AI, 3D printing, Industry 4.0, IoT, big data or blockchain. Innovative “Makers” – startups, freelance developers, designers, students and hobbyists – are invited to solve them within the framework of an approximately six-month co-creation partnership. Salzburg Research is your contact for interested companies from Salzburg.
Industry Meets Makers 2019
Industry meets Makers starts into the next round. For the 4th time in a row, the top industry is brewing the creative Makers scene in the FutureTech sector – this year for the first time next to Vienna also in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg and Styria.
Under the motto #IMMgoesWEST takes place on 21.3. Starting at 5.30 pm in Linz, a kick-off event will be held where industrial partners present their new briefing topics, network with interested Makers (students, freelance developers, hobbyists, startups and SMEs) on-site and answer open questions, All interested Makers and companies are invited to ride together in the IMM Speed Dating Train of the ÖBB to Linz.
14 Briefings Online
In 2019, 14 briefing topics will be announced this year. The briefing partners include Commend, IFE Doors, Infineon, Magna-Steyr, Microtronics, Nokia + AIT, ÖBB, Salzburg Research + Polycular, T-Mobile, Wacker Neuson, Worthington Industries and ZKW.
The briefing agenda this year will include topics such as second use and upcycling of auto parts and train cars, the development of innovative and secure IoT proof of concepts, building 4.0, traceability and digital supply chains, new digital services for apartment buildings, Smart City + Blockchain + IoT, the role of light in the age of autonomous driving, new door systems for metros and trams in 2030, voice-controlled emergency systems with augmented reality data glasses.
More information: industrymeetsmakers.com/briefingthemen
Image: Salzburg Research /Shutterstock, Pavel Chagochkin