Future Needs Creativity
Experimental self-makers, inventive lateral thinkers and technology enthusiasts are important drivers of the startup scene, business, research and society. Because our society needs creativity and new solutions. Because the development of innovative ideas can be learned and experienced, Salzburg Research organized again a whole series of public events around the works with digital and traditional technologies:
3rd Mini Maker Faire Salzburg
Creative works for all ages: on November 9, 2019, Maker Faire’s successful concept was presented for the third time in Salzburg. The open festival combined future technologies and traditional crafts and invited visitors of all ages to try it out. Experts at the Makersalon showed that making also plays an important role in business innovation. Representatives of companies, makerspaces and self-makers reported on their experiences.
Mini Maker Faire: www.makerdays.at/faire
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Maker Faire
Photos: (c) wildbild
High-Tech-Experimentation at the School Maker Days
Two Days of Innovation & Creativity for 180 Young People from Eight Schools: In the run-up to Maker Faire, around 180 students between 11 and 14 years old were able to independently test echnological and creative maker tools at interactive stations and implement their own ideas. Thirteen hands-on workshops included workshops in the areas of 3D printing, robotics, programming, electronics, animation, upcycling, technology and nature. Maker experts were on hand to help with tinkering, experimenting, designing, and programming. Participation in the offer was free of charge for school classes.
The stations are overseen by A1 Telekom Austria AG, BWS Lehen, Coding Club, FH Salzburg, HTL Salzburg, Kompass Girl Consulting, Salzburg Research, Stadt:Bibliothek, UBIT Salzburg, Verein Spektrum and many others.
School MakerDays: www.makerdays.at/school-maker-days
Photos: (c) wildbild
MakerDay Saalfelden
Already in October, the successful concept of the MakerDays in the Innergebirg was presented: The popular makerDay took place for the second time in Saalfelden on 17 October 2019.
The morning was reserved exclusively for the schools. The extensive workshop program was booked 500 times by various Pinzgau schools. Under the guidance of professionals, the students were able to immerse themselves in old and new techniques and try out new things.
In the afternoon, the doors were open for all interested parties: A generation-spanning program attracted many interested in DIY. Digital future technologies as well as traditional craftsmanship could be tried out: programming robots, drawing on the web, recycling with LEDs, drawing paper, 3D modelling and 3D printing or experimenting with concrete, metal, wood and plastic and much more.
The organizer was the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft. Partners included: HTL Saalfelden, DO!LAB, Bookbindery Fuchs, Bildungszentrum Saalfelden, Verein Spektrum, Compass Mädchenberatung, Salzburg Research, CodingClub, Stadtgemeinde Saalfelden and many others.
MakerDay Saalfelden: https://www.makerdays.at/mdsaalfelden/
Photos: (c) Stadtgemeinde Saalfelden, Salzburg Research