Annual Review And Christmas Campaign 2019
Salzburg Research can look back on a successful year in 2019. For Christmas, as in previous years, we support the Anna-Bertha-Königsegg School in Salzburg with digital communication tools.
People, products and machines are on the move and increasingly wirelessly networked. This enormous dynamic offers new opportunities for society and the economy. With the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart data analysis, we make mobile things measurabl, link them reliably, develop algorithms for meaningful results and thus increase added value and efficiency. Salzburg Research, as an independent research institute, offers know-how and pre-competitive research and technology development for complex challenges in the area of motion data intelligence. We are an unconventional think tank for innovative companies from a wide range of industries and the public sector – internationally oriented and committed to the region.
Our Highlights From Last Year
Mobility & Smart City
The self-driving Digibus® has been equipped with additional technology for even more independence. At the Salzburgring, the automated Digibus® with test persons drove completely driverless for the first time in Austria. With the new platform Open Innovation Salzburg, we are looking for solutions to challenges in the region with the help of the population. In the Citizens’ Dialogue, we surveyed what citizens think about automated mobility.
Health & Sports
Together with partners we worked on a smart ski boot for an improved skiing experience. With “Fit with ILSE” we support you in the movement into old age. And we are investigating how social robots can help with age and chronic diseases in a gender-sensitive way.
Industry & Manufacturing
We are the point of contact for manufacturing companies including digital twins and collaborative robots. We developed a B2B platform for SMEs that better connects companies. Good availability and high reliability of wireless communication are essential, especially in critical processes. Therefore we searched e.g. with the help of winter service vehicles for dead spots and we research on the subject of reliability in 5G networks.
Making a Big Difference With a Small Donation
But not only the industries mentioned above benefit from digitization. In 2019, we will once again donate digital aids worth around 1400 euros to the Anna-Bertha-Königsegg School for children with special needs, Center for Inclusive and Special Education in Salzburg. A small donation that makes a big difference:
What is in the gifts this year:
At the school’s request, technical aids were provided this year, from which especially children with limited communication options will benefit: a language case, an interactive, speaking wall, speaking keys, speaking pens including accessories, a vibration pillow and a mobile communication aid, e.g. autistic children find it easier to start a conversation and break the ice. The games “Adapted Penguin Race” and “Mimi – Cat with Movement” help to understand the principle of cause and effect. A sound box with a microphone motivates quiet children to speak and sing louder.
Managing Director Siegfried Reich and Authorized Officer Christiane Pedit presented this year’s donations in kind on December 19, 2019 as part of an Advent party with school children.
The entire Salzburg Research team wishes you a moving time and an innovative year 2020!
We also treat ourselves to a break: company vacation from December 24, 2019 to January 3, 2020.