Support With Digitization

Digitization continues to progress and penetrate more and more areas. It is an opportunity for site security and competitiveness. However, not everything that is technically possible makes sense for every company. Conversely, not every technical innovation is as mature as it appears. Preserving this view is not always easy, even for innovative companies. Learn from the success stories of others and benefit from our neutral, supplier-independent know-how from research. We accompany you on the way to the ideal solution for your individual requirements.

Digitization: Suggestions and Examples of Success

In these current activities companies can get suggestions:

Digital Transfer Center

With the Digital Transfer Center (DTZ), neutral, vendor-independent experts are now available to the companies as contact persons. By bundling the expertise of FH Salzburg and Salzburg Research, the necessary know-how is guaranteed, even for complex issues. A total of 20 researchers and six demonstrators are available in both institutions in the DTZ. Companies can get information locally: demonstrators can be used to discuss and illustrate complex relationships and concepts. This results in new ideas for implementation in the company, scenarios can be tried. The DTZ will also be offering public events over the coming months.

More information, contacts andevents:

SME 4.0

Free specialist knowledge for small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities of digitization in-house. Under the leadership of Salzburg Research, several qualification workshops, learning excursions and exchange of experience will be offered in the coming months. Further information and events:
The project is supported by the funding program Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014 – 2020.

Special Requirements in Digitization

Companies with very specific ideas and special requirements have the opportunity to exchange directly. Experts also enjoy coming to the company, picking up the individual challenge and, together with the company, looking for an ideal solution.

Examples of an accompaniment by Salzburg Research:

Contact person

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-401 |
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How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria