Mayor Preuner at Salzburg Research: Is Salzburg really the traffic jam capital?
Mayor Harald Preuner visited the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft on May 14 at the Science City Itzling. Among other things, they are researching innovative technological solutions for the mobility of tomorrow. “Transport and mobility affect us all. It needs innovative solutions for efficient use of existing infrastructure, as well as entirely new developments”, says Mayor Harald Preuner.
The city of Salzburg is commonly regarded as a congestion hotspot. Commuter traffic, construction sites, border controls, travel – and it is only progressing at a walking pace. The IT research company Salzburg Research provides an objective picture of the actual traffic situation.
An Objective Picture of the Traffic Situation
Salzburg Research has been commissioned by the Province of Salzburg for several years to survey the current traffic situation in the federal state. Using Floating Car Data (FCD), all main traffic routes are monitored up to the minute. The current traffic situation is publicly available and also flows into the traffic planning and control in the city and province of Salzburg. For example, the data for traffic control in the city of Salzburg are used. But also for traffic planning throughout the federal state, this data is of great importance. Through this direct feedback from road users, changes in road traffic can be assessed objectively.
„Our traffic data shows the congestion hotspots, expecially in daily commuter traffic. However, Salzburg is not alone in that”, says Karl Rehrl, Head of the Research Focus Mobility at Salzburg Research. “International rnakings also show this picture: Salzburg ranks second behind Vienna in Austria, closely followed by Linz and Graz. However, in contrast to Vienna, Linz and Graz, the average traffic jam time in Salbzurg has dropped in the previous year.”
The current traffic situation can be accessed on the Internet srfg.at/verkehrslage or with the StauFux app on mobile devices.