MakerDay Saalfelden
Crafting, experimenting, trying out: The first MakerDay in Saalfelden combines traditional craftsmanship with future technologies. Interested persons of all ages are invited to dive into the world of (digital) technology: the offer ranges from getting to know and trying out analogue printing methods and getting started in the fields of programming, robotics, electronics and 3D printing to experimenting with various materials.
Digital and Analog Making
Making – just do it! In a playful way, we want to inspire you for MINT topics. At the MakerDay Saalfelden both future-oriented digital technologies and traditional crafts can be tried out. Children and adults are invited to program bananas and robots, design a vibrobot or spirograph, or experiment with 3D modelling, 3D building design, and 3D printing. Or build your own bridge construction, print posters with wood print or woodcut or experiment with concrete, metal and plastic.
At several locations in Saalfelden it says on 18 October 2018: Touching allowed! In the morning, workshops for school classes and making trainings for teachers are offered. In the afternoon, the doors are open for everyone: tinkerers, creative people, handicraft hobbyists and everybody, who is interested in DIY. Admission is free.
MakerDay Saalfelden
October 18, 2018
08:30 am – 12:30 pm: Workshops for school classes
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Open Workshops for all, free admission
Program: https://www.makerdays.at/mdsaalfelden/
Participation in the MakerDay Saalfelden is free of charge for all participants thanks to the financial support of the State of Salzburg. The organizer is the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft. Partners include HTL Saalfelden, DO!LAB, Buchbinderei Fuchs, Verein Spektrum, Kompass Mädchenberatung, KIZ/JUZ Treffpunkt Saalfelden with akzente, Salzburg Research with the EU-Project „DOIT – Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world“ and many other cooperation partners.