Figures, Data, Facts: The New Annual Report 2017
As a professional research partner, the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft operates at the interface between science and industry. She is part of numerous cooperative research projects and offers her know-how to companies. The current annual report shows the 2017 financial year in figures, data and facts.
The results of Salzburg Research benefit the economy. Clients or project partners are companies of different industries and sizes. Half of the research work in 2017 was carried out with or for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). “Digitalization affects everyone. Our focus on information and communication technologies reaches into almost every industry, “explains Siegfried Reich, Managing Director of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft. “Our activities focus on IT topics including energy, enterprise (Industry 4.0), health & sports and mobility.”
In the province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research is an important location factor: Almost every second research project was carried out with or for companies from the province of Salzburg. Almost all transfer events took place in the state of Salzburg.
Highlights from the Annual Report 2017
Our role as mediator and network partner was further expanded in 2017. A total of 238 partner organizations commissioned us or worked together with us on innovative digitization projects. We researched or worked for 128 companies, including 45 small and medium-sized enterprises. Sales increased significantly compared to the two previous years and amount to more than EUR 5 million. The year 2017 was again positively concluded. In 62 research and development projects visionary ideas were applied and tested in model regions and pilot projects. In total, 30 pilot systems were created over the year 2017. In the past financial year, the researchers published a total of 65 publications in peer-reviewed media and were invited to 75 lectures at workshops, conferences and congressees. The research society itself organized a total of 24 events in order to pass on its know-how to business, science and the public.
Download Annual Report with Intellectual Capital Report (in German): https:/www.salzburgresearch.at/publikation/geschaeftsbericht-2017/
Press release: https://www.salzburgresearch.at/presseaussendung/salzburg-research-ansprechpartner-fuer-digitalisierung-in-salzburg/