Digitization Support for SMEs
The use of information technology in industry, trade and commerce has increased steadily over the past three decades. Nevertheless, the current digital transformation – often called “Industry 4.0” – is far more far-reaching than anything that has previously happened in the field of “digitization”. Businesses that do not join will be relegated. Salzburg Research and its partners help small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria and Salzburg to become sustainable with the right digitization strategy.
The media whirl “4.0” unsettles many entrepreneurs. Which technological path should companies take? Which innovations can be realized by digitizing the value chain? Where are disruptive business model innovations lurking? What should be considered in terms of data protection? Where can SMEs find IT-competent staff? The SME 4.0 project is intended to help with these and other questions. It helps small and medium-sized enterprises get to where they are, wants to take away the fear of companies and highlight the opportunities offered by digitization. Comprehensive competencies are provided, for example in digitalized maintenance or in process engineering and robotics. At the heart of SME 4.0 are free workshops, field trips and exchange of experiences in which entrepreneurs receive ideas and initial ideas. In addition to the exchange of know-how and experience, regional technology solutions should also be identified from cross-company networking. Also individual support of the partners can be availed. SME 4.0 will receive funding from the support program interreg Bayern-Österreich 2014-2020.
Further information at srfg.at/kmu40_en.