61st Innovationspool: Development of Digital Strategies
Discussing success factors for the digital transformation and the implementation of a digital strategy in the company with experts – the participants were able to do so at the 61st Innovation Pool on September 12th. The event, organized by Salzburg Research, Hagleitner Hygiene International and Platform for Innovation, focused on the topic “Development of Digital Strategies”. The following lectures (in German) formed the core of the 61st innovation pool:
- Erfolgsstrategien für die digitale Transformation – Wie gehen das Vorreiter-Unternehmen an?
Dr. Markus Lassnig, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft - Erfolgsfaktoren der Führung der Digitalen Transformation
Bernhard A. Zimmermann, Zühlke Engineering (Austria) - Digitale Produkte bei Hagleitner – Entstehung, Geschäftsmodelle im Wandel und wo geht die Reise hin?
Christian Aigner, HAGLEITNER HYGIENE INTERNATIONAL - Digitalisierungsstrategie im Werkzeugbau – Antworten auf die Herausforderungen der vernetzten Produktion
Rene Haidlmair, Haidlmair
After the business lunch, the partcipants were allowed to take a look behind the scenes of Hagleitner Hygiene International during a factory tour. Finally, there was a lot of discussion with the participants.