Test Austria’s First Self-Propelled Vehicle
Salzburg Research is the first organization in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomatFahrV. Interested people can go along – without registration and without ticket. Simply experience autonomous driving:
Public test runs:
- Monday, 22 May 2017,
13.30-16.00 Uhr - Wednesday, 24 May 2017,
10.00-12.00 Uhr und 13.30-16.00 Uhr - Tuesday, 30 May 2017,
09.30-12.00 und 13.30-16.00 Uhr
Get in please!
Access at the village center Koppl
You can find the latest test runs on the bus website: digibus.at
Automated driving in research
Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the minibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance of existing public transport. Automated vehicles could close this gap in the future.