Industry 4.0: First result presentation
Last week, Markus Lassnig from Salzburg Research and Infrastructure Minister Jörg Leichtfried presented the results of the study „Digital Transformation through Industry 4.0 and New Business Models“ to the public for the first time.
68 well-known companies were surveyed comprehensively for the project. The result is a well-founded current picture of Industry 4.0 in Austria. CMS Electronics in Klagenfurt and AVL List in Graz now organized the first two press conferences. Markus Lassnig presented the project as a central author and expert, together with Minister Jörg Leichtfried, and tackled the questions of journalists. The results are intended to contribute to a better understanding of digital transformation ‘industry 4.0’ in Austria and to provide companies with support in decision-making about their industry 4.0 strategy.
About the Study
The study “Digital Transformation through Industry 4.0 and New Business Models” was prepared by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Syngroup Management Consulting GmbH and Evolaris next level GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). Developed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in the “Production of the Future” program.
All four study reports are available for free download (in German): https://i40transform.salzburgresearch.at/
Press release (in German): Studie Industrie 4.0 in Österreich: 7 Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen