Christian Doppler knowledge platform
175 years ago the Salzburg scientist, Christian Doppler, published a ground-breaking discovery: the Doppler effect. To this day, it is the basis for numerous fields of application and Nobel Prize.
What do airplanes, fast cars, radar, beating hearts and the stars in the sky have in common? Their speed is measured by means of a physical principle, discovered by the world-renowned Salzburg scientist Christian Doppler 175 years ago. Its so-called “Doppler effect” is of medical and technical benefit for billions of people.
Christian Doppler lived from 1803 to 1853. He presented the Doppler effect discovered by him and thus named after him on May 25, 1842, at the University of Prague. The effect has become fundamental in almost all spheres of life and is used, for example, in technology, medicine, aviation and astronomy. A total of 19 scientists have been awarded Nobel Prize for work that is associated with the Doppler effect. “The findings of the most important Salzburg scientist still have an impact on research and development. That is why the country supports the activities of the Jubilee Year“, said governor Haslauer. “Referring to ultrasonic investigations, or the radar flashing on the streets, we do not think of Christian Doppler”, emphasized Land Councilor Berthold, responsible for science. “However, many everyday technologies are based on his discovery in 1842. The Doppler effect can be described as a millennium effect. The Salzburg mathematician and physicist had to contend of his recognition during his lifetime. In 2017, we focus on Christian Doppler and his scientific research.”
Christian Doppler knowledge platform
Together with the Christian Doppler Fonds and supported by the Province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research has set a digital monument to the famous Salzburg scientist. More about the Salzburg scientist Christian Doppler, how the Doppler effect works, about Doppler’s life and work as well as all information about the activities in the Doppler year can be found under the redesigned website www.christian-doppler.net. All events are public.
Creative competition
Children and young people up to 17 years of age are now also asked to take part in the creative competition. Within the scope of the theme “Vibrations & waves in connection with the Doppler effect”, there are no limits to creativity. Drawings, experiments, apps, simulations, costumes, texts or musical pieces, sculptures, etc., and submit them by May 15, 2017. There is a prize money of 3,000 Euros.
All information about the competition and the jubilee year can be found at www.christian-doppler.net