9th IT-Businesstalk
Salzburg Research and nic.at cordially invite you to the 9th IT-Businesstalk:
Business as usual?
How platforms and blockchain change business models
May 18, 2017, 2 pm to 5 pm
Plenary Hall of the Salzburg Economic Chamber
Admission free, registration required until 12 May 2017.
Innovations are sawing old structures. Two of these radical “game changers” are blockchain and platforms. They deeply change existing business models and challenge existing systems. But where do challenges and obstacles lie? And what new opportunities and success strategies are emerging? Top-class speakers from research and practice will answer these questions for you.
14:00 | Begrüßung und Einführung Richard Wein, nic.at und Siegfried Reich, Salzburg Research |
14:10 | Keynote: Blockchain und Smart Contracts Walter Blocher, Universität Kassel |
14:50 | Bitcoin – Digitales Gold? Stefan Huber, Bitpocket |
15:15 | Digitalisierter Zahlungsverkehr – wohin geht die Reise? Andreas Faltinger, Bank Austria |
15:40 | Kaffeepause |
16:10 | Was Sie schon immer über Plattformen wissen wollten Johannes Innerbichler, Salzburg Research |
16:35 | Reise durch den Online-Dschungel – Erfolgsfaktoren und Stolpersteine Gila Gfader, booking.com |
17:10 | Buffet und Open (End) Networking |
Details on the lectures and lecturers can be found online: Program 2017 (German)