Test series with self-propelled minibus in Salzburg before approval
In the middle of October 2016, an independent minibus rolled through Salzburg’s old town for the first time. Soon the minibus will return to Salzburg to answer open questions as a research and demonstration project.
In the course of the preparatory work on 13 December four experts asked the public:
- DI Martin Russ, Managing Director, Austria Tech – Federal Association for Technology Policy Measures, contact Point Automated Driving
- Dr. Manfred Tscheligi, Head of the Center for Human Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg
- Karl Rehrl, Head of Intelligent Mobility, Salzburg Research
- Johannes Gfrerer, Press Officer Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH
The resulting discission clearly showed that a lot of research work is still needed before self-propelled vehicles can actually drive autonomously and in regular operation.
The self-service minibus will return to Salzburg in spring 2017.
The minibus is used by research in various situations, on public and non-public roads, in the city and country of Salzburg. The possibilities of use in local public transport, e.g. on the so-called “last mile”, from the stop to the drive or home, are examined. After all, self-propelled minibuses could enhance and supplement existing public transport in the future. Before the bus can go into regular operation, however, many research questions are still to be answered, such as, for example, the handling of different driving situations or winter suitability.
Platform ‚Digitales Salzburg‘

Die Initiatoren der Plattform mit den Diskutanten der aktuellen Podiumsdiskussion: v.l.n.r.: Siegfried Reich (Salzburg Research), Hilmar Linder (FH Salzburg), Gerhard Rettenegger (ORF Salzburg), Martin Russ (Austria Tech), Johannes Gfrerer (Salzburger Verkehrsverbund), Karl Rehrl (Salzburg Research), Manfred Tscheligi (Univerisität Salzburg) Foto: (c)wildbild
The platform ‚Digitales Salzburg ‚ is a cooperation platform oft he Fachhochschule Salzburg, University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. It is primarily through events that the conscious consideration oft he challenges oft he digital age ist o be promote das the basis for problem solving in companies and the population. www.digitales-salzburg.at
All images: © wildbild