Geschäftsbericht 2013
As a professional research partner Salzburg Research is part in numerous cooperative research projects and offers its know-how to local companies.
The current pace of innovation requires smart collaboration between research and industry. “The research company supplies not only interdisciplinary know-how, but is also a driver of innovation for companies in the region,” said Board Chairman Dr. Bernd Petrisch pleased with the very positive results of the past year. “The large number of clients and business partners are evidence of continuous acceptance and convincing continuity.“
75 employees worked in 2013 for the research company, the proportion of women is 33.2 percent – every third person is a woman. 2013, a turnover of 5.6 million Euro was achieved , over 70 percent of which was generated from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects.
The researchers worked in 2013 in a total of 81 applied research projects . “The new record of 17 EU projects testifies to the acceptance as an established player in the European Research community,” says Managing Director Univ. -Doz. Dr. Siegfried Reich . Nearly two -thirds of all research output was realized with and for SMEs.
Overall, Salzburg Research 2013 worked with 205 partner organizations, including 112 business partners, and organized 23 events.
40 percent of all research achievements have been accomplished with or for companies in the state of Salzburg, more than two-thirds of all events were held in the region. Visions were developed, and information on trends and innovations and specific application know-how was passed on.
Annual Report
Since 2003, Salzburg Research published annually an intellectual capital report to document the importance of the intangible assets of a knowledge-intensive company. The indicators are based on numerous discussions with the owners and funders, they serve as a transparent presentation towards the public and as a strategic management tool. For the first time we also visualized unconventional figures in the annual report.
The report is available for download (in German):