Technology for disabled children
Information and communication technologies ( ICTs) are increasingly supporting our daily lives. In 2013, our research work focused on: new assistance systems for independent living for the elderly, the collection of real-time traffic flows by means of floating car data in Salzburg, open source software for knowledge and media management, and the sustainable use of “Big Data”, communication technology for first aid forces in disaster areas, or the detection of innovation signals on the World Wide Web.
With these and many other research projects Salzburg Research is an active collaborator to the future and competitiveness in Salzburg, Austria and throughout Europe. Numerous evaluations, audits and reviews attest the professional and successful implementation.
Technology for disabled children
Technology also benefits disabled children, for example in building and regaining the ability to communicate. Like every year, Salzburg Research supported the students of the Anna Bertha Königsegg school for severely handicapped children in Salzburg with a different devices. In addition, Salzburg Research’s employees donated for a special app for a multi-disabled student.
On 18 December 2013 CEO Siegfried Reich and Julia Eder presented the special hardware and software with a total value of approximately 1000 EUR to director Manuela Hanusch and speech therapy teacher Herta Natiesta.