• Blog: Custom Android LayoutManager

    In order to lay out your views in an Android App, Android provides you with a number of different Layout Managers. RelativeLayout, for example, allows Views to be placed in relation to the bounds of their parents, as well as in relation to each other. TableLayout and GridLayout present Views in Rows and Columns, with TableLayout allowing views to span multiple columns, and GridLayout to span multiple rows and columns. These pre-defined Layout Managers cover a large number of everyday situations. However, if you cannot find a layout fulfilling your needs, it is actually quite simple to define your own. In order to lay out your views in an Android App, Android provides you with a number of different Layout Managers. RelativeLayout, for example, allows Views to be placed in relation to the bounds of their parents, as well as in relation to each other. TableLayout and GridLayout present Views in Rows and Columns, […]

  • Blog: SDN2.0: P4 overcomes the limitation of customer silicon in network switches

    Industry 4.0, IoT, 5G, Smart Everything and further new approaching domains are the innovators for new communication protocols. Installed legacy network switches are not supporting these new upcoming protocols.  To update the switch hardware is highly cost intensive (CAPEX) and not possible in a short period of time for the communication providers. P4, a programming language, tries to overcome this limitation of the customer silicon. Industry 4.0, IoT, 5G, Smart Everything and further new approaching domains are the innovator for new communication protocols. Installed legacy network switches are not supporting these new upcoming protocols.  To update the switch hardware is highly cost intensive (CAPEX) and not possible in a short period of time for the communication providers. P4, a programming language, tries to overcome this limitation of the customer silicon. P4: Softwareised Parser Data or new protocol packets, received by network switches, is not parsed from a parser in hardware (customer silicon) but from […]

  • Projekt: MESSE – Model-based Engineering and Validation Support for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

    Der massive Einsatz von verteilten Energieerzeugern in Form von erneuerbaren Energiequellen birgt große Chancen. Das Projekt MESSE widmet sich der Frage, wie der erhöhten KomplexitĂ€t mit geeigneten Entwicklungsmethoden entgegengewirkt werden kann.

  • Publikation: Scheduling periodic customer visits for a Travelling Salesperson

    The problem considered in this paper deals with determining daily routes for a traveling salesperson who provides customers in Upper Austria with product range information of a large, global food wholesaler. Each customer has to be visited at least once a year, with some customers requiring up to 1 visit per month. Further, some customers may not be visited each day of the week. Our decision support system uses a commercial GIS software to extract customer data for input into the optimization procedure and to visualize the results obtained by the algorithm. The optimization approach is based on the Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm which assigns customers to days and determines routes for the salesperson for each day with the primary objective to minimize the total travel time of the salesperson. Another objective studied is to minimize the number of days needed by the salesperson to visit all customers in a given month. Further we […]

  • Publikation: Open Educational Practices and Resources.

    As a Transversal Action under the European eLearning Programme, the Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project carries out a set of activities that aim at fostering the creation, sharing and re-use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Europe and beyond. OER are understood to comprise content for teaching and learning, software-based tools and services, and licenses that allow for open development and re-use of content, tools and services. The OLCOS road mapping work was conducted to provide decision makers with an overview of current and likely future developments in OER and recommendations on how various challenges in OER could be addressed. While the results of the road mapping will provide some basis for policy and institutional planning, strategic leadership and decision making is needed for implementing measures that are likely to promote a further uptake of open educational practices and resources. OER are understood to be an important element of policies that want […]

  • Publikation: Prediction and classification of foot strike during running using the LoadsolTM insole pressure sensors: An ecologically-valid follow-up study

    The foot strike pattern performed during running is an important variable for runners, performance practitioners, and industry specialists. Foot strike estimation models generated within laboratory constraints (i.e. short runway distance or speed restrictions), may not be applicable for lab-to-field research applications. Thus, the purpose of the current study was to determine the accuracy and precision of foot strike angle prediction and pattern classification models (generated from running foot falls performed within laboratory constraints) when applied to ecologically valid running conditions. METHODS: Two Random Forest machine learning models (1) were trained to i) predict the foot strike angle and ii) classify the foot strike pattern of laboratory-constrained running (LAB) foot falls using independent variables from LoadsolTM insoles (30 participants; 70% training set = 2442 steps, validation set = 1047 steps). A sample of ecologically valid foot falls (ECO) were collected from a new set of participants (n = 19; steps = 2202) and applied to […]

  • Publikation: Open Educational Practices and Resources: The Key Role of Social Software.

    This paper presents some results of a road mapping study on Open Educational Resources that has been carried out in the framework of the Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project. (Geser 2007) The OLCOS project runs from January 2006 to December 2007 and is cofunded by the European Commission under the eLearning Programme. The project aims at promoting Open Educational Resources through its road mapping activity, Web-based services (OER tutorials and examples of best practice) and co-operation with other projects and communities of practice. The project consortium comprises the European Centre for Media Competence (Germany), the European Distance and E-Learning Network (Hungary), the FernUniversitĂ€t in Hagen (Germany), the Mediamaisteri Group (Finland), the Open University of Catalonia (Spain) and the project co-ordinator Salzburg Research, EduMedia Group (Austria). Open Educational Resources (OER) are understood to comprise content for teaching and learning, software-based tools and services, and licenses that allow for open development and re-use of […]

  • Publikation: Open Educational Practices and Resources: The OLCOS Roadmap 2012

    In the last few years, Open Educational Resources (OER) have gained much attention, for example, due to the extensive media coverage on the Open Courseware initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the work of ever more organisations that promote the use of Creative Commons licenses, and the success of Open Source software-based systems such as Moodle in the educational sector. However, in order to further benefit from Open Educational Resources it is necessary to gain a much clearer understanding of the role OER can play in changing educational practices. Therefore, the Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project, which is a Transversal Action under the European eLearning Programme, has produced a roadmap to provide educational decision makers with orientation and recommendations on how to foster the further development and use of OER. This article provides a brief overview of the context and focus of the OLCOS roadmap 2012, explains why it gives priority […]

  • Publikation: Data Management Policies and Practices of Digital Archaeological Repositories.

    […] guidance and support needed to make these repositories and data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). These policies comprise the regulations of heritage and research authorities/agencies, councils and other institutions at different levels (European, national/regional, local) as well as the repository rules governing deposition, access to, and reuse of archaeological data. The repositories are operated both by heritage sector institutions and by the research and higher education sector. The survey represents a bottom-up approach by focusing on the actual policies and practices of digital archaeological repositories, which may reflect higher level regulations. A reality check in this regard can enable heritage and research authorities, councils and other institutions to reinforce or put in place regulations that bring current repository policies and practices closer to the ideal of providing FAIR and open access data. The survey results show that there is room for improvement in this regard and some suggestions are made here for future initiatives.

  • Publikation: Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL.

    Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) aim at health-promoting behavior change of individuals. Moving the development and evaluation of JITAIs beyond custom implementations for each specific use case will require integration-preserving customization, i.e., adaptation to different studies and participants without compromising integration for data analysis. For this purpose we develop a multilevel modeling (MLM) approach that builds on two-level structural conceptual models with composition and specialization extended by Cardelli power types yielding hierarchies of composite clabjects. We show the practical applicability of the approach through modeling of an example study on JITAIs for a digital health intervention, and demonstrate an RDF- and SHACL-based implementation.

  • Publikation: Development and validation of a 1-km cardio-trekking test to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults.

    Maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), the gold st andard measure of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), supports cardiovascular risk assessment and is mainly assessed during maximal spiroergometry. However, for field use, submaximal exercise tests might be appropriate and feasible. There have been no studies attempting a submaximal test protocol involving uphill hiking. This study aimed to develop and validate a 1-km cardio-trekking test (CTT) controlled by heart rate monitoring and Borg’s 6–20 rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale to predict V̇O2max outdoors. Healthy participants performed a maximal incremental treadmill walking laboratory test and a submaximal 1-km CTT on mountain trails in Austria and Germany, and V̇O2max was assessed with a portable spirometry device. Borg’s RPE scale was used to control the exercise intensity of the CTT. All subjects wore a chest strap to measure heart rate (HR). A total of 134 participants (median age: 56.0 years , 43.3 % males) completed both testing protocols. The prediction model […]

  • Blog: Erfahrungsbericht: Mit dem Atomic Connected Boot auf der Piste

    […] Mit diesem intelligenten Skischuh wird die QualitĂ€t des Skifahrens mit Hilfe einer Vielzahl von Sensortechnologien und maschinellem Lernen bewertet. Das individuelle Fahrverhalten wird gemessen, skirelevante Parameter wie Aufkantwinkel oder Geschwindigkeit berechnet und das Fahrkönnen mit dem eigens entwickelten „Carving Score“ beurteilt. Durch individuelles Feedback zur BewegungsqualitĂ€t bei jedem Skischwung und wĂ€hrend des gesamten Skitages erhalten Skifahrende besseren Einblick in die eigene Leistung. Sie können an ihrer Technik feilen und so das Skierlebnis verbessern. Testfahrten im Winter 2022/ 23 Im Rahmen einer breiten Studie 2023 wurden zahlreiche HobbyskilĂ€ufer:innen eingeladen, diese neue, mit Profis entwickelte Technologie zu testen. Mit der Studie soll der Algorithmus des Carving Scores fĂŒr eine breitere Zielgruppe validiert und die Akzeptanz der technologischen Lösung unter den Nutzer:innen untersucht werden. Bevor die eigentliche Studie startet, haben wir intern das entwickelte System auf Herz und Nieren getestet. Dazu ging es Ende JĂ€nner bei besten Schnee- und PistenverhĂ€ltnissen auf den Katschberg an der Grenze zwischen […]

  • Publikation: Engineering and Validation Support Framework for Power System Automation and Control Applications

    Abstract The rollout of smart grid solutions has already started, and new methods are deployed to the pow-er system today. But the complexity is still increasing, and the focus is moving from a single system to a system of systems perspective. The results are increasing engineering efforts and escalating costs. To address these challenges, this work proposes the concept of an automated model-based engineering and validation framework that covers the overall development process of smart grid applications, from specification and use case design, to automatic engineering and validation, and finally deployment and commissioning. This paper provides an overview of the framework concept and introduces a prototypical implementation. It also shows its potential on selected examples.

  • Publikation: Engineering and Validation Support Framework for Power System Automation and Control Applications

    Abstract The rollout of smart grid solutions has already started and new methods are deployed to the power system today. But the complexity is still increasing and the focus is moving from a single system to a system of systems perspective. The results are increasing engineering efforts and escalating costs. To address these challenges, this work proposes the concept of an automated model-based engineering and validation framework that covers the overall development process of smart grid applications from specification and use case design to automatic engineering and validation and, finally, deployment and commissioning. This paper provides an overview of the framework concept and introduces a prototypical implementation. Also, it showcases its potential with the help of some examples.

  • Publikation: Towards automated engineering and validation of cyber-physical energy systems

    The massive deployment of distributed generators from renewable sources in recent years has led to a fundamental paradigm change in terms of planning and operation of the electric power system. The usage of advanced automation and information and communication technology is a key element to handle these new challenges and to turn the traditional power system into a smart grid. The implementation of such complex systems solutions is associated with increasing development complexity resulting in increased engineering costs. The traditional engineering methods used for power system automation were not intended to be used for applications of this scale and complexity. However, the usage of proper methods, automation architectures, and corresponding tools holds huge optimization potential for the engineering process. Therefore, this work presents a model-based engineering and validation support system, covering the overall engineering process for smart grid applications. https://energyinformatics.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42162-019-0095-x

  • Publikation: Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom.

    URL: https://www.intechopen.com/books/advanced-learning-and-teaching-environments-innovation-contents-and-methods/practical-usage-of-oer-material-in-the-efl-classroom

  • Publikation: Current practices and perspectives for metadata on web ontologies and rules

    Current practices and perspectives for metadata on web ontologies and rules.

  • Publikation: How to assess the quality of online learning and teaching material? Quality guidelines for educational online content and it’s practical applicability illustrated with a current case study:

    This paper deals with the issue of how to assess the quality of online learning and teaching material. As evaluator for eLearning processes and products one is confronted with the fact that not only learners, but also learning facilitators (teacher/tutor) have a subjecetive perceiption of e-Learning quality. In this paper we present different quality evaluation approaches specifically for development and production of online learning and teaching material, critically discuss their dimensions and reflect their relevance in the context of formal and informal learning settings. Finally we illustrate the practical applicability of such guidelines and quality perceptions in a case study carried through in Austria.

  • Publikation: Validation of a continuous fluid simulation model
  • Publikation: Development and Validation of a Gyroscope-Based Turn Detection Algorithm for Alpine Skiing in the Field.