Synthesis of redundant Meshed WLAN.

Ulrich Schrittesser (2008): Synthesis of redundant Meshed WLAN. Dimplomarbeit, FH Salzburg

Networks should work continuously without any noticeable failure. Especially in safety-critical environments, high availability solutions are necessary. This thesis presents a mix between reliability figures and international standards concerning high availability, mapped onto wireless mesh network architectures.
Characteristics like radiowave propagation of WLANs in indoor and outdoor utilizations, and a state-of-the-art evaluation of different protocols for wireless meshed networks illustrate the complexity to build up a high availability wireless network. In this case, connectivity of each network node plays the leading part.
These theoretical findings are then implemented in a development of a network-planning tool called Wplan. Finally, the planning results are related to an actual test bed.

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