Doctoral Consortium at ACM Hypertext 2005

What the Doctoral consortium is all about

The lifeblood of academic professional progress is still fundamentally publications. The goal of most Doctoral students is not only to complete their thesis but to get at least a few publications into appropriate venues from their PhD research as they work on their dissertations.
A big part of both the publication process and the PhD defence/viva is reviewing, that is, getting third party feedback on one’s work. The Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity to get this kind of feedback on your work before your defence/viva or before submission for publication.

Who is encouraged to submit?

  • Masters Students
    We encourage submissions from Masters students who may have completed their theses and are working on a paper submission from that work.
  • PhD Students
    Most particularly, we invite submissions from doctoral candidates in the latter stages of their dissertation work who wish feedback on their dissertations to date.

Selection and Submission

The goal of the consortium is to give deep review and considered feedback to graduate students. Consequently, places will be limited. We therefore ask that candidates

  • submit a 4 page abstract of the work they wish to submit, using standard ACM publication format.
  • identify whether this is a publication coming from literature, systems, arts, etc.
  • their current cv
  • a letter of recommendation from your advisor/supervisor
  • the names of two experts in Hypermedia (and members of the conference programm committee) whom you would wish to comment on your work.

Submissions will be vetted by senior researchers/academics, and invitations for participation will be sent with requests either for full papers, chapters or dissertations, as appropriate.


During the day, students will be asked to give a 15 min presentation of their work, and then to answer questions from a panel of distinguished researchers in hypermedia research. This panel will be constructed based on the kinds of submissions received. The panel will both simulate the review/viva process, as well as provide feedback for improving the work for submission/defence.


Another critical aspect of the academic experience is networking, getting to know colleagues in related areas from different organizations. We hope that students participating in the event will get to know new people in their scholarly peer group (the grilling in front of each other should aslo act as a bonding experience).

Expert Review
Participating students will have the opportunity to get some of the best minds in their fields to look at their work both for critique. This is a golden opportunity for rich feedback *before* submission for publication or prior to their defence.

This is also an opportunity to meet with the leaders in their field and to engage in discussion of their work with these researchers.


To submit a proposal, or to ask for further details, please contact the Doctoral Consortium chair: monica schraefel,

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