Nachbericht: Workshop: Young Academics‘ Management Science – YAMS


Targeted participants:

Doctoral students and Post-Docs in Production and Operations Management (POM), Operations Research (OR) or Management Science (MS) with a focus on

  • Optimization of an application from POM and/or
  • Application of Metaheuristics in POM


  1. Presentation of original research to peers
  2. Networking with other doctoral students and Post-Docs
  3. Scienti c exchange with well-established researchers in OR/MS and POM
  4. Potential publication in an international scienti c journal


Friday, December 7th – Saturday, December 8th 2012
Keynote Talk: Prof. Michael Galbreth, University of South Carolina, USA
Industrial presentation
30-minute presentations by the participants
Language: English
Location: University of Graz


Participation in the workshop is free! Co ee breaks, lunches on Friday and/or Saturday as well as dinner on Friday, December 7th 2012 are also free!
NB: On Thursday, December 6th 2012 the joint meeting of the Austrian Working Group on Metaheuristics and the working group Produktion und Logistik of OGOR (Austrian Society for OR) is held at the same location.


Institute of Production and Operations Management, University of Graz
Austrian Working Group on Metaheuristics of ÖGOR
Contact: ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Greistorfer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Reimann

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